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Tidy Vs Messy - What's your Creative Superpower?

Writer's picture: Making To Make HappyMaking To Make Happy

Imagine the scene. Newbie art-explorer Gemma is in art class (at age 37, but just as awkward as at age 11), feeling like a bit of an imposter. This is, of course, because I’m in a new place, trying to figure out whether I have anything to say artistically - but it’s also, in part, because I seem to be a tidy-artist-island

To the left of me is an artist whose work has seemingly exploded across the desks - coloured paper and torn magazines are strewn at least 2 metres to either side of the human in their centre, encroaching onto other peoples desk spaces and floating to the floor. The artist is completely unaware, of the escaping materials or the fleeing time, but is having a great time creating. 

To the right of me is an artist with a collection of paint palettes and brushes, their desk blobbed as much as their canvas, with the different coloured paint tubes left open.  They are in their own wonderful universe of creativity.

The Me in the middle is collaging a bit, painting a bit, just like them, but my desk is a containment area. Nothing pushes off of it, all paint tubes have their lids on, sticky gluey brushes are propped up so as not to stick to the table. And, while I focus on my own work, I can lose myself in the making - but when I look up, I feel somehow smaller than the people around me.  Their creative process is so much louder and freer-seeming.  Do I belong here amongst them?

✅ Yes.  Yes I do.

Despite all the cool artists in movies and on TV having studios that look like exploded paint factories, I’ve discovered that you don’t need chaos to be creative.  It’s ok to be a Tidy Artist - it’s actually its own kind of superpower - so if you are one too, embrace it!

Creative Superpower - Own your own Tidy vs Messy process…

Everyone has their own ways of working, which allow them to release creative ideas and feel comfortable doing so.  All ways are unique and bring their own advantages.  If you are just starting to figure out what works for you, here are some things to think about…

Your workspace itself might reveal more about your creative process than you think. Some studies suggest that a cluttered environment can actually boost creativity by encouraging divergent thinking. So, all that chaos might just be fuelling your next big idea! On the flip side, a tidy space can help boost focus and concentration, leading to more productivity and a calmer approach to creating.

Personally, I am not averse to messy materials - I mean, charcoal and clay are two of my favourites and those can get very messy! I love the freedom, feeling the materials in my fingers and seeing what happens. But I make sure I have everything I need in reach before I start and I tend to work on a small desk space. I feel like my shed has its fair share of clutter - I love too many arty crafty things and it’s a small space - but I feel like there is a system in place so I know where everything is.  Tidy, for me, doesn’t mean sterile or spotless - it’s simply structure which allows my brain to relax and be more creative.

There is no “right” way - It’s all about finding what works best for you.  Take the quiz below to find your own Tidy vs Messy Creative Superpower and grab your own Art Badge of Honour...

A text graphic asking "what's your creative superpower?"

Are You a Messy Marvel or a Tidy Tour-de-Force?

  1. How do you typically approach a new creative project? A) Dive right in! Playtime is better than a plan. B) Brainstorm in my sketchbook or create a to-do list. C) A mix of both, depending on the project.

  1. How do you feel when you are creating in a quiet, organised space? A) Uninspired and distracted. B) Focused, calm and motivated. C) It depends on my mood and the task I’m doing.

  1. How do you feel about deadlines? A) They stress me out. I’m a last-minute kind of creator. B) They inspire me to get stuff done, and I’ll aim to finish earlier than the deadline given. C) I’m a natural procrastinator, but I like having a timeframe to work around.

  1. Do you think of yourself as a spontaneous or a planned person? A) Spontaneous!  Let’s go! B) Planned! Let’s think about it! C) I can be both.  Different situations bring out different sides of me.

  1. Do you find it easier to think creatively when surrounded by clutter? A) Absolutely.  My clutter makes me feel safe, seen and it fuels my ideas. B) Not really.  Seeing clutter makes me feel hemmed in or unsettled. C) Sometimes.  Clutter is cosy, but I like mine to be organised.

  1. Do you often lose track of time when you're “in the zone”? A) Definitely.  Time cannot tame my creative process! B) Yes, but I’ve usually put a timer on if I need to finish at a certain time. C) Occasionally.  It depends on the project, but I’m usually pretty aware of it.

  1. Are you comfortable with ambiguity and uncertainty? A) Yes.  I like the not-knowing, it’s exciting! B) Nah. I’d rather have an inkling of what’s coming. Or a full out itinerary. C) Hmm. The element of surprise is both thrilling and terrifying.

  1. Do you need a clean workspace to focus? A) Nope. Why put things away that you’ll be using again soon? B) Most of the time.  A clean space stops my mind from wandering. C) Not really clean, just clear.  A bit of art-debris never hurt anyone, but I need to focus.

  1. How do you problem solve? A) I focus on the bigger picture.  Brainstorming, debating, connecting the dots. B) I focus on the details.  Planning, listing, zooming in. C) I ask questions and go step by step to find the answers.

  1. Do you find yourself distracted by mess? A) What mess, where?  I’m busy making something, nothing can distract me now. B) Yes.  Mess pulls my focus and I can’t think about my art until I’ve sorted it out. C) If I’m feeling procrastinatey, then yes - I’ll tidy up because I’m distracting myself from my non-creative slump…and it helps me focus again.

So, What’s Your Verdict?

  • Mostly A's: You're a Messy Marvel! You’re probably the life of the party (or at least your studio) and inspiration strikes when you least expect it. Embrace the chaos and let your creativity loose on the world!

  • Mostly B's: You’re a Tidy Tour-de-Force!  You’re a dab hand at decluttering and your art markers never dry out from having lost lids.  Give your neat-art-self a squeeze, and share your calm creativity with the confidence it deserves!

  • Mostly C's: You’re a Creative Chameleon! You can adapt to different environments and you know how to find your focus in each one. You’ve struck a balance that suits you perfectly - so let your creative talents shine!

Share your result with these story/grid posts and tag me @gemmathepen so I can see what you got!

Remember, there's no right or wrong answers here. Creativity comes in sooooo many different forms, and EVERYONE is creative.

The important takeaway is to never let someone else’s version of creativity undermine your own.  Don’t let stereotypes or labels dictate how you see yourself.

Your creative process is just that - it’s yours.  So enjoy it, embrace it and let it evolve as you do.

Thanks for reading!

Keep making happy,

Gem 💛

Image of the artist with a Hello note


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Making to make happy.  

Creativity fuelled by joy from Gemma The Pen.

© All creative content on this website is copyright of Gemma The Pen
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